"The Ensemble William Byrd, from France, know how to sing in such a way that the worst heathen could be converted by a motet or a Salve Regina. Their voices glide peacefully through the room as if seeking to fill the empty spaces without colliding with one another. The harmony of the spheres in chamber form".
Welcome to the website of the Ensemble William Byrd. For more than twenty years now, we have been performing almost everywhere in Europe and in the US. We have been interpreting a large repertoire - virtually all the vocal music of the Renaissance and the Baroque. We are convinced of the benefits that diversity brings to our understanding and our interpretations. We nearly always perform with one voice per part, in the manner of chamber music, seeking always to leave memories such as the one above: heightening the emotional effect of the music by the magic of the interaction of our solo voices, working together in a chamber context.
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Allegri’s real Miserere revealed!
2016 will see the publication of the new book of our director, Graham O’Reilly, about the famous Miserere by Gregorio Allegri....
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Concert « Les Voix de Cristal », June 20, 2015 at Port-Royal des Champs
Cristal voices : Renaissance polyphony updated Saturday, June 19, 2015 at 8:30pm Site des Granges / Grange à blés Musée de...
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What kind of an “opera” is Dido and Aeneas? Chapter 5
As we saw in my previous chapter, when Dido and Aeneas was given at Priest’s school in 1689, it was called...
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